T-CAIREM • 2025 Call for Faculty Supervisors: Summer Research Program

T-CAIREM • 2025 Call for Faculty Supervisors: Summer Research Program

This form is intended for faculty members at any Canadian partner university and affiliated researchers conducting AI health research who have positions available for post-secondary summer students in 2025.

The deadline to submit this form is OCTOBER 25, 2024 (Friday).


• Students can come from any post-secondary institution in Canada. Student research projects can include the development of new algorithms, applying existing algorithms to new health problems (in the basic sciences, clinical, or population levels), as well as work in AI ethics, governance, policy, patient engagement, implementation science or other areas.

• This year, there are 30 summer student positions available. These opportunities are available to undergraduates and students in professional degree programs (e.g. medicine) to carry out AI in health research under faculty supervision.

• Students will be required to work full-time (35 hours per week) for a minimum of 10 weeks between May 1 and August 31, 2025, and attend weekly seminars and a mini-conference at the end of the summer.

• Students will receive a minimum stipend of $7,200 for the 10-week program. T-CAIREM will provide the supervisor’s institution with $3,600, and the supervisor must provide a minimum of $3,600.

• We're accepting applications from faculty supervisors affiliated with any T-CAIREM Network partner to supervise UofT students. Non-UofT students will be supervised by a UofT faculty member.

For questions about the T-CAIREM summer research studentships, email: t.cairem@utoronto.ca.